A strategic collaboration agreement was struck by Abu Dhabi National Oil Company(ADNOC) and the Emirati Talent Competitiveness Council (NAFIS) in order to speed up the hiring of talent in the private sector and add 3,000 new employment for UAE citizens it it’s supply chain by 2025.
With the help of this partnership, ADNOC will intesify it’s efforts to make sure that businesses in its supply chain utilise the NAFIS programmes and incentives for recruiting local talent. ADNOC will also help increase nationals’ competitivenes by encouraging them to take advantage of the program’s prospects.
As the UAE prepares for its next 50 years, NAFIS will support a sustainable and diverse economy by enabling nationals to play an increasing role in the private sector and to continue to make a vital contribution in advancing the nation’s economic development.
What is NAFIS?
NAFIS is a governmental federal programme aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the Emirati human resources and empowering them to occupy jobs in the United Arab Emirates’ private sector over the next five years.
It is launched as a part of “Projects of the 50”, which aims to accelerate the development journey of the UAE.
Objectives of NAFIS:-
1. Create a partnership between the public and the private sectors and empower the private sector to become the key driver of the UAE’s development journey.
2. Increase the competitiveness of the Emirati human resources and enable nationals to occupy 75,000 job opportunities in the private sector over the next five years.
3. Create equal job opportunities in the private sector to attract nationals.
4. Foster the attraction of job opportunities in the private sector.
5. Provide coaching, professional training, mentoring services, and counselling to the program participants to foster the attraction of the Emirati human resources to the private sector.
Venture Plus Consultancy Services, will assist you with register with NAFIS. For more details, call 6005 444 02 or email : venture@ventureuae.com